Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Responsibility... (sigh)

It's official, now that my lease is ending in my baby jet (my VW jetta) it's time for me to be an responsible young adult and pay for my own car payment. However, this was not decided upon my parents, (yes & no) it was mainly me who wanted to take on this responsibility. I feel that if I do this I will only prepare myself for my future, when I am on my own. I'm kind of excited about this because it's almost like shopping for a statement piece, something that fits you to a T, and as I spent my Saturday I ended up narrowing down to TWO cars that I felt fit me.

A 2010 Mazda 6
A 2011 VW GTI

Both in white, which seems so girly & chic. I am having a hard time narrowing down between these choices and making the FINAL decision since it is soley up to ME since I will be paying for it. Luckily, I am fortunate enough to have a family who is putting a down payment for so my car payment isn't SKY HIGH!

Agh, i'm excited and a decision needs to be made in a week.

Opinions, comments, any feed back is welcome ♥


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